Friday, November 2, 2007

Prejudice, respect, and other musings

Good God, does it never end! I posted today on a local newspaper forum and my heavens you would think I have laid out the racial gauntlet!
I have never said, "I am not prejudice." Hell, yes, I am! And I will admit it! But my prejudice does not lie along racial lines. I am prejudiced against the PERSON who hides behind the government for assistance and is too lazy to get off their ass and get a job, whines because they may have to actually work for a living like most of us actually do. I am prejudiced against the PERSON who asks for a handout when they are more than capable of assisting themselves. I am prejudiced against the PERSON who thinks I owe them something other than treating them as a human being. Respect must be EARNED, it is not a right.
I did not bring slaves or indentured servants into this country, my ancestors may have. I did not run the Native Americans onto reservations, my ancestors walked with them. My ancestors were treated like crap upon entering this country, just as many others were.
I did not ask for a handout without knowing I would return the favor. I got off my ass and got an education and did not blame ANYONE for what I felt should be mine and was not.
My life is my own making. If I made/make mistakes, it is on my head; I do not blame anyone else.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Dear Mother,
Having a really hard day today. Daddy is having a worse time than me. He blames himself for your death. I hope he understands it wasn't his fault. Please let him know in some way. He is trying, though, to get through every day.
I wish there was some magic something to help grieving people accept, get over, whatever, is at the end of the grieving process. There are so many things I want to tell you, but why. You know everything before I do.
I just miss you so much. I know I am being selfish but I just want to call you one Saturday morning and you say hello, Michele, I knew it was you, you're the only one who calls this early on a Saturday.
My birthday was OK. I had lots of birthday wishes from everyone. It meant a lot to me. I just wish you had been here to tell me happybirthday.
Do you think you could come visit with me sometime? I really need to feel you with me. Please.
I love and miss you terribly,

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Happy 100th Birthday, John Wayne!

This Saturday past was the 100th for good ole John Wayne. I know I gripe alot about having to watch all those damnable movies, but Mr. Wayne is an American icon and hero to many.
The Cowboys is my absolute favorite. Other faves of his are: The Quiet Man, The Sons of Katie Elder, The Sand of Iwo Jima.
Gotta love him!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

HUGE GASP!!! Has it really been that long?

Ladies and Gents,
Please accept my humble apology. It has been so long since I last post. But, Lord have mercy do I have news!!!!
My daughter has been promoted to Reservations Supervisor at the Beau Rivage Hotel. YIPPEE! Of course I think she is wonderful and should be running the damn hotel, but I know she has worked hard to get this position and she deserves it.
My oldest son is looking for a job in the same locale as his big sister. Say a prayer he is smart enough to get a job with benefits; his girlfriend/wife would be most pleased. Their baby is due in 5 weeks and it would be nice if he has a decent job for her and the baby to go to. Little Joshua Peyton would like for his Mama to stay home with him for a little before she has to go to work.
And last but not least, the youngest son who just got married is now pregnant, too. He and his wife called yesterday and they think the baby will be due in January. And his name will be Gunnar. According to my son he only makes boys. That is the kiss of death! Now he will only have girls. He just does not understand Murphy's Law.
Y'all have a wonderful day. Hopefully I can rememer to post more often.
Love to all,

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

It's a ...

Last Thursday our oldest son called me and asked me to go to lunch. I said sure, who's paying? What a dumb thing to say to your child. Of course me and the husband paid. We are the parents. The reason for this little outing was he and his girlfriend had been to the doctor and had the famous ultrasound. He, our son, asked me if I would like to see our grandson's penis! Yippee!! The Mimi and Pawpaw will have a grandson, Joshua Peyton, in July!!! I have the patterns and the fabric ready and the baby yarn is being crocheted!! Can you tell I am a little excited!
Love to all,

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Possible extra action at this blogsite

OK, may be I did something totally out of character, but I have emailed the link to this blogspot to the local newspaper. What the hell, all they can say no, right!?
Y'all have a great day! If you decide to leave a comment, let me know about your use for commas. You know the drill, when in doubt leave it out. An old man journalist told me that little saying years ago, about the same time that Jesus was a child!!

OMG, I can't believe it!

Geez, Louise, has it really been that long! I must admit the funk fairy has been my best friend for quite a while. I finally admitted it to the big guy to whom I am married. I miss my mom terrible bad. There have been so many events in the past few weeks I have wanted to share with her, but she's not here in the flesh. I know her spirit is with me all the time. But just to hear her voice or have her hug me and tell me everything will be OK would be wonderful. I just miss her so much.
Any who, the baby boy of the bunch got married March 31, 2007! Absolutely surprised us! Heavens to Betsy, he loves this young lady who is wife. Take a gander at the happy couple!
Love to all,

Thursday, March 15, 2007


I am terribly melancholy today. Our, mine and the husband's, best friend's father passed away Monday. Arthur was such a lovable man. He and Loyd were very close. Jac and Ashley are taking me. Jac will be a pallbearer. Arthur was much like another grandfather to our kids. My little boy Andrew cried when I told him. And so did Ruthie. Today is going to be very difficult for the Guyans Family. May God touch their hearts and ease their pain.
If anyone gets the chance, drop the family a line and let me know you thinking of them.
Love to all,

Monday, March 12, 2007


I must admit, I love going to the movies. My husband professes I would go to the theater to watch snow on a screen. If they sound system was good, that is indeed a thought. So, it comes as no surprise I went this weekend to see 300. I was terribly impressed. The whole concept of the Spartans taking on the Persian army, my God, the discussions are endless. One man fighting to protect his home, even if he is not a well trained military person, is more determined and has more perseverance than 100 men attacking. That is just the beginning. The battle scenes were very well put together (yes, it is very graphic). And my gosh the bodies of those men! So easy on the eyes. Whoa, mama! Overall, guys, you gotta see it.
Love to all,

Friday, March 9, 2007

A former instructor and friend has his own blogspot! I know, will miracles never cease! He is a hoot and a holler.
Try it out for some good laughs!

love to all,

Thursday, March 8, 2007


and a big howdy to all! the title of this blog is something my youngest said to me over the Christmas break. thought it was terribly cool. y'all holler back when you can.
finished reading a great book, Heart Shaped Box by Joe Hill. wonderful! checkout his message board and webpage at